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Richard Lowe Dies After Falling From Grain Bin During Inspection

Richard Lowe Dies After Falling From Grain Bin During Inspection

The owner of a company that inspects and repairs old farm structures died Wednesday after being struck by a piece of machinery and falling from a grain bin.  69-year old, Richard B. Lowe, of Darlington fell to his death from a grain bin Wednesday afternoon at Davidson Farm, 5496 S. C.R. 310 E., Crawfordsville.  Around 2:30 p.m. on May 30, Ladoga Rescue responded to the call at Davidson Farm and contacted the Sheriff’s Department and Coroner shortly after arriving.

According to Chief Deputy Ryan Needham, Richard Lowe fell roughly 35 feet from the roof and struck his head.  On Wednesday, Lowe and other employees were inspecting a grain bin at Davidson Farm.  Needham said they were using a crane to remove a large sheet of metal when the crane struck Lowe, knocking him from the roof.

Sheriff’s Deputies spoke with all the workers who were on the scene and at this time no foul play is suspected.  Lowe was not wearing a safety harness at the time of his death.  The Indiana Occupationl Safety and Health Administration was contacted and is expected to conduct their own investigation.  Deputy Needham said the Sheriff’s investigation is essentially complete, short of any follow-up that IOSHA requests.

Assisting agencies include Ladoga Rescue and the Montgomery County Coroner.  If you have any additional information on this accident, please call Mario Massillamany with the law firm of Starr Austen & Miller at (574) 722-6676.

[Sources: WLFI, Wish TV]