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New FMCSA Trucking Policies Deemed Successful by Independent Study

New FMCSA Trucking Policies Deemed Successful by Independent Study

New policies implemented in 2010 by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) appear to be working in reducing the number of truck collisions. Findings from an independent review, by the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI), show the partnership in communication between the FMCSA, its state partners, and commercial motor carriers reduced crashes, injuries, and fatalities.

Previous commerical carrier policies were shouldered by a small number of staff that evaluated and determined carrier safety. The new policy system partners with the states, giving them better access to FMCSA’s data. This shared communication results in successfully targeting high-risk carriers regarding driver fitness evaluations, common causes of accidents, and early corrections of safety problems.

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration will re-evaluate its training model, including driver fitness evaluations and other policies, to provide ongoing improvements in commerical carrier safety.